What game are you playing with the universe?
Letting go of definition and analysis in favor of taking experience at face value
I was recently asked: “What game are you playing with the universe?”
Previous versions of me would have been caught up in a need to define and analyze the question before I could move forward - Just what is “the universe” we’re talking about here? What mechanisms can one use to play with it?
Indeed, my undergraduate degree in philosophy was all about precise labels and clear parameters.
Today I live in the both/and, and I use my experience of the world as my guide to what’s ‘real’, how things work, and what’s possible.
In my experience when I treat ‘the universe’ as a tapestry of possibility where I am invited to play, I experience being met with wild and beautiful experiences that have increasingly become my norm.
Here are some ways I’m playing with the universe at the moment:
1/ Operating from an “I dare you” energy
The vibe is: I’m ready, I can take it, what’s the biggest experience you can give me to play with?
2/ Taking seriously every overt and subtle experience and sensation
What if it all means something?
3/ Keeping as much blank space in my future as possible
I don’t want to limit future-me by making choices any earlier than needed.
4/ Setting goals with the energy of “This or something better”
If I get what I want, amazing. If I don’t, it’s because something better is coming my way.
5/ Trusting my gifts and creating from them
Holding complex patterns and drawing the threads through them. Saying things in ways that land deep in the psyche. Seeing nuanced connections between business, culture, psychology, and spirituality. Attracting phenomenal collaborators. This is where I create my practice and my writing from.
6/ Question everything
Always remember there are no rules, and nothing has to look in the future the way it looked in the past.
7/ Full integrity with myself and the world
Ok, actually there is one rule: Being fully true to myself. When something niggles as not right, fix it fast.
8/ Spending time with me opens up bigger possibilities
I hold that my vision and energy are infectious in the best way.
9/ When things don’t go my way, recovery is my number one priority
This is how I make sure I don’t create from states of disappointment, not-enoughness or any other form of contraction.
10/ Choose the path of the most fun
This is the one that’s the least integrated and so the easiest to forget… So I just promised myself a day off this week to play and see what comes up.
I’d love to hear from you - What games are you playing? Have you tried playing with the universe - what happened next?